NBCU 2022 Events

Build One Future With Us.
Read Below On How One Platform Can Work For You.

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One Platform
We Put You And
Your Brand First


Our stories fuel our One Platform offering. Become part of this culture conversation that connects with your audience. Read our takeaways here.


Peacock connects your brand with premium content and an impactful experience that is both effective and enjoyable to a wide range of audiences. Unlock the transformative power of Peacock’s diverse content. Read our takeaways here.


Our best-in-class first party data and insights are fueled by iconic, culture-defining content. Effectively connect with your consumers across One Platform. Read our takeaways here.

Let One Platform
Work For You

Connective Culture-Defining Content

Our premium content ignites conversation, enhances connection, and fuels fandom. Align your brand with our diverse storytelling to engage your consumers in an environment that’s both effective and enjoyable. Learn more about the powerful stories across our One Platform content.

Your Audiences At Scale

We built our One Platform offering to mirror how our impactful audiences consume our content. Our iconic content spans genres and platforms, allowing your brand to transform our audiences into your consumers, wherever they are. Learn more about how we can reach your consumers at scale through our culture-defining stories.

Collaborative Technology Stack

Our unified technology foundation connects the premium content your consumers know and love. Learn how you can activate our first-party data and insights to unlock the power of our premium content across One Platform.

Our Partnership

Case Studies

We achieve any objective. See how we deliver full-funnel engagement here.


We transform our audiences into your consumers through our content. See how our content and current marketplace trends impact your consumer here.


We’re measuring what matters: your ads and your performance. See how we’re charting a path towards measurement independence here.

Commercial Innovation

We believe the ad experience is the user experience. See how we’re generating excitement, engagement, and unbeatable results in an impactful environment here.

Peacock Advertising

We are the home to the most effective and enjoyable ad experience in streaming. See how we’ve made it easy for your brand to capitalize on our streaming success here.


We’re revolutionizing the commerce experience. See how we’re at the epicenter of content, commerce, viewers, and your brand here.

Discover More Events

Upfront 2022

We’ll bring it all together from two iconic stages: in the morning with our Upfront at Radio City Music Hall, followed by a Telemundo Celebration that evening at the Ziegfeld Theatre. All day long, we’ll celebrate the culture-defining content that shapes the world, in both English and Spanish. We’ll lift up the stories that hundreds of millions of consumers trust, connect with, and rely on no matter the stage or screen—and preview what’s coming next, and how you can be a part of it.

Peacock NewFront 2022

We’ll bridge the technology and content strategy and explore new ways to engage audiences and forge strong connections in spaces like streaming. You’ll learn new insights from Peacock, how we’re innovating based on those results, and how these tools can help your business succeed.


At One22, our annual developer conference, we’ll showcase the technology stack that’s the foundation of One Platform—including the latest data, measurement, and activation capabilities—and how you can use identity, innovation, impact, and interoperability to grow your business.

Build One Future With Us