SYFY is a global, multiplatform brand that super-serves passionate genre fans with science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and superhero programming, along with late night animation, fan-focused franchises and live event coverage.
SYFY has a consistent, affluent, and diverse audience of over 100M viewers per year.
Multi-cultural audience
Of viewers HHI $100K+
Nielsen Media Research, C3 data. STD (9/19/22-3/31/23). Prime (M-Sa 8-11P, Su 7-11P). HHI and multi-cultural based on market breaks, P2+. Reach based on 2022 average month, (12/27/21-12/25/22), L+7, 6-min qualifier. DAVD digital platforms, all data streams and platforms. Full-episode starts (Jan-Dec’22 vs. comparable year ago).
SYFY leverages the power of our passionate, leaned-in audience to create authentic connections and engage consumers.
Top 5
Cable network in delivering Ad Memorability & Likeability
Cable’s original Drama (P18-49) for “Reginald the Vampire”
Scripted original (P18-49/P2+) for “Reginald the Vampire”
Impactful Marketing: Marketcast Program Engagement score& KPIs: 1/1/22-12/13/22, Total Audience based on all series, non-sports content in prime (M-Sa 8P-11P, Su 7P-11P), excludes repeats. All release types. KPIs based on standard ads. Resident Alien: TVRocs, L7, A18-49, 12/27/21-12/25/22, Among All Cable Series, excluding repeats and sports, 3 T/C min.
Reginald Rank: TVROCS; 10/5/22-12/7/22 Wed. 10p-11p cable original dramas and scripted originals (≥3 T/C) excluding repeats, movies, and specials; L7 P18-49 and P2+.