Resources For Your Business
As one of the world’s leading distributors of news and information, NBCUniversal has curated the most helpful and current small business content from across our networks as a one-stop shop of resources.
CNBC, NBC News and TODAY content featured herein was independently created by CNBC and NBC News Editorial and then promoted within Stand For Small upon request from our sponsor, American Express.
Spotlight on Small Business
11/30/20 – CNBC – Video
Small business confidence drops to all-time low after Biden election
Small business confidence has fallen to an all-time low after the election of former Vice President Joseph Biden, according to the Q4 CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey.
Explore more spotlights on small businesses across the NBCU portfolio below.
Finance Guidance
5 steps business owners can take to trim their 2020 taxes
Though the Georgia Senate runoff races will determine whether another tax overhaul is coming, entrepreneurs can act now to lower their 2020 taxes. Strategies available to them include a special 20% tax break for pass-through entities, known as the qualified business income deduction. Read more here.
Explore more of finance guidance across the NBCU portfolio below.
Real Stories
This 17-year-old created a sauce business bringing in 6 figures—here’s her advice for other small business owners
Tyla-Simone Crayton has accomplished a lot for a 17-year-old: She is the founder and CEO of Sienna Sauce, with her chicken wing-style sauces sold in over 70 retail stores across the U.S. Read more here.
Explore more small business real stories below.
En Español
NUESTROS NEGOCIOS es una campaña nacional en el marco de la galardonada plataforma de responsabilidad social corporativa de Telemundo “El Poder En Ti”, lanzada para apoyar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de propiedad hispana, proporcionándoles recursos, noticias, consejos y orientación.
NUESTROS NEGOCIOS is a nationwide campaign launched under Telemundo’s award-winning Corporate Social Responsibility umbrella, “El Poder En Ti”, to support Hispanic-owned small and medium-sized businesses and provide them with resources, news, tips and guidance.
11/11/20 – Telemundo – Video
¿Cómo llevar un pequeño negocio a la cima?
Sigue la conversación con la directora ejecutiva y chef de Maria Empanada, Lorena Cantarovici, sobre cómo triunfar con un pequeño negocio. Esta emprendedora fue reconocida con el Small Business Person of the Year award de Colorado.
Explore más de Telemundo a continuación.
Marketing & Creative Services
As small businesses owners and operators, you make a big impact – on your customers, communities and our nation’s economy. Now, NBCUniversal is dedicating our award-winning creative experts and marketing resources to helping small businesses like yours continue to make an impact.
The COVID-19 crisis has disproportionally affected communities of color. Our team of creative experts are eager to help. Below are a few examples of the different ways we can help.
Submission window to apply has now closed.
Please note that not all businesses who apply will receive services. See Terms below for details.

Small businesses deserve big ideas. Our strategists can help identify potential opportunities and creative solutions for businesses and budgets of all sizes. We can assist with media tactics, brand development, ecommerce strategies, and audience engagement across all platforms.

Getting the word out about your business starts with choosing the right words. Our team of copywriters and storytellers can help craft the writing you need – from social media posts to full commercial campaigns.

There’s nothing like a compelling video to get the word out about your business offering. Our team of directors, producers, and editors can help create videos for any business on any platform. Additionally, our video team can consult on remote and self-shot video productions.

Unique design can help your business stand out from the crowd. And our art directors, graphic artists, and motion graphic experts can help create visuals for any business. The team can assist with video assets or art custom-made for social media.

There’s nothing stopping your small business from growing a big audience. Our social team can help develop effective social media marketing strategies and creative content for small businesses looking to increase their digital footprint.